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How to leverage IG to increase your brand awareness and membership revenue

The “Instant-Telegram” application created back in 2010 and well-known today as Instagram has helped thousands of businesses grow their online presence and increase membership revenue through their primary focus: to keep the audience engaged by delivering relevant and interesting content that will convert into loyal clients investing in your product or service. Now, let’s get real! Sales don’t occur overnight, and the following aspects of Instagram will allow you to build a meaningful marketing strategy that will impact your membership

pace 5 minutes read

E-commerce: Recipe to avoid the Black Friday and Cyber Monday hangover

We know that you have been preparing your e-commerce marketing strategy for a while; your marketing team, social media channels, and email marketing campaigns are ready for the year’s best offers. Your team and stock are ready to shine during Black Friday and Cyber Monday (BFCM). The question is, will your strategy stop there? Yes, sales can drop after these two wonderful days, however, we encourage you to go the extra mile and avoid the “Black Friday Hangover” with this

pace 3 minutes read